Le 7ème Studio - Millénaire Caen 2025 Scientific city The Caen vigil gets off to a flying start On the Thursday 21st of March 2024, Joël Bruneau, Mayor of Caen and Chairman of the GIP Millénaire Caen 2025, launched the Caen Vigils.
Millénaire Caen 2025 The Vigils' shelter has arrived On the Tuesday 27th of February 2024, the Caen Vigils'shelter took up its station on the castle remparts.
La Grande halle de Colombelles - Julien Hélie photographie Historical heritage Getting ready for the Millennium Parade The parade will be one of the highlights of the Caen Millennium. Taking place on 9th May 2025, the parade will take place in the city to the delight of young and old, Caennais, Normans and tourists alike.
Frame Perspective dans le cadre d'Interstice - Olivier Ratsi ©Ville de Caen Caen labellisée Ville créative par l'Unesco As part of the Millennium celebrations, Caen has been awarded the UNESCO Creative City label, in recognition of its creativity in the fields of innovation, culture and research.