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Publié le 11.12.2023
Scientific city
Veilleur coucher de soleil Le 7ème Studio - Millénaire Caen 2025
21.03.2024 > 20.03.2025

The Caen Vigils

From 21st March 2024 to 20th March 2025, you will have the opportunity of watching over the City of Caen from a shelter, set up on the castle ramparts.
The Vigil, a participative artistic performance imagined by Joanne Leighton, a Belgian choreographer with roots in Australia, who has created and directs the WLDN Company.

For 365 days, 730 participants will be relaying each other in watching over Caen for one hour, at sunrise and at sunset, and in so doing will form a human chain throughout the year.  

The performance of the Watch will end on the evening of the inauguration of the Millennium, on 20th March 2025. The last watch will be the start of the 2025 festivities.  

Every participant will leave a written or drawn record of their impression following their watch. These testimonials will be published on and collated in a booklet at the end of the performance.  


Anyone living in the area and any visitors passing through the city can participate actively in the celebrations of Caen’s 1000-year anniversary.  

The 730 participants will this for a human chain right through to the launch of the Millennium.  


You can register to become a Caen Vigil on line:  

Choose a date, then a Watch slot, at sunrise or at sunset. You will then be contacted to attend a preparatory workshop to learn more about this collective artistic performance. 

Les Veilleurs de Munich ©Christian Pogozach

The Millennium places and artworks